Technical Area Application

Tent Theatre 2025

Managing Director: Mark Templeton
Artistic Director: Sarah Wiggin
Production Manager: Chris DePriest

Serenade: Summer Nights of Swing & Song

June 12-14, 18-21

Vintage Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play

June 27-28, 30 - July 2

A Grand Night for Singing

July 10-12, 16-19


To apply for a technical or support position, please complete the following application.

Have you ever had technical theatre training?*
List skills related to these areas/positions: carpenter, master electrician, props, paint, costume assistant, stage management, marketing/promotions, house operations, or briefly describe other skills.
I am applying for...*
Select all roles for which you are applying.
Please list your five most important past technical positions:
List the name of the show, producer/organization, year, and your position title.
List the name of the show, producer/organization, year, and your position title.
List the name of the show, producer/organization, year, and your position title.
List the name of the show, producer/organization, year, and your position title.
List the name of the show, producer/organization, year, and your position title.

limited number of Tent Theatre Company members will be offered free housing. We aspire to use these spaces in the best manner possible for those who are in sincere need. We will not be able to accommodate all requests. Housing will be determined on need, level of commitment required, and prior Tent experience.
What is your housing need?*
Conflicts will be considered during the hiring process. See schedule above.
Have you auditioned for a production this season at Tent?*